Bananas are one of the most popular and widely consumed fruits in the world. In addition to being delicious and easy to buy. Bananas also have many health benefits.
1. Raw bananas.
Raw bananas are that are not yet fully ripe. Although it is less sweet than a ripe. But raw have unique health benefits.UFABET
Benefits of raw bananas:
- Rich in Pectin: Pectin is a dietary fiber that helps digestion and maintains gut health.
- Helps you feel full for a long time: The dietary fiber in raw helps you feel full for a long time. Suitable for those who want to control their weight.
- Less sugar: contain less sugar than ripe. Suitable for those who want to control their sugar intake.

2. Ripe banana.
Ripe bananas are that are fully ripe. It has a bright yellow shell. Ripe are a good source of energy. Because it contains complex carbohydrates that can provide long-lasting energy.
Benefits of ripe bananas:
- As a source of energy: Ripe bananas contain complex carbohydrates that can provide long-lasting energy.
- Rich in vitamins and minerals: have contain vitamin C, B6, potassium and magnesium.
- Vitamin C: Helps strengthen immunity.
- Potassium: Helps maintain electrolyte balance and blood pressure.
- Easily digested: are easier to digest than raw.
- Delicious: Are deliciously sweet.